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Sailing Vacations

One nice benefit of sailing at Lake Cheney is the connections you will make with fellow sailors who are world travelers.   I have vacationed in Europe and Russia, but no vacation is more relaxing than sailing.  Whether on a rented sailboat in the Gulf of Mexico or the Caribbean, or a cruise ship, you unpack your bags once and stay awhile as your ship takes to various ports of call.   Below are some of our cruising experiences.  


Best Times: December - May.

We have enjoyed the Caribbean from the deck of the cruise ship, twice.  We took the seven-day cruise to the Western Caribbean.   The cruise is very relaxing, service is outstanding, there is a lot to do onboard, but it is a crowded space at times.  The cruise cost is the least expensive part of the trip.  The expensive parts are the excursions, the shopping in various ports, the on-board alcohol, and the mandatory tipping of staff that is added to your bill when debarking.   Is the cost worth the trip?  YES!   Just be aware of the hidden costs before you book the cruise and establish a budget for the various outings and onboard expenses.    And remember, if storms develop, the cruise line is authorized to change the itinerary without your approval.  This happen on our last trip.  

British Virgin Islands

Best Times: December - May.

We sailed the British Virgin Islands in December 2013.  The BVI are a chain of islands with a rich history of war, pirates, plundering, and adventure.   The people are friendly, eager to please the visitors, and rely on tourism to support their families.   The British influence is still felt as they still drive on the wrong side of the road.  


We leased a 46 foot sailboat with three couple friends and spent ten days touring the islands, site seeing, eating at local spots, cooking, sleeping, and relaxing onboard.   When you get the chance to sail the BVIs, do it.  It is well worth the price.  


Best Times: December - May.

Belize is our next cruise line destination.  Friends have gone before us and it is similar to other West Caribbean countries, and yet different. It too is a country of contrasts, the tourist spots are welcoming and modern, but much of the country is poor, lacks many of our modern conveniences, and is not yet the playground of the world.  


Belize has great weather, it is not as crowded as other destination spots, the people are warm and friendly, and the scenery is beautiful. We are looking forward to exploring this next port of call.


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